Young people 19 years & under

 Young people aged 19 years and under are welcome to make an appointment, or to access one of our walk-in sessions.

If you want to be seen about a problem or symptoms related to your sexual health please call 01695 656550 to make an appointment.

If you are over 16 years of age and want a test for STIs but have no symptoms please order a test through the Home STI Testing Kit.

Here is a useful website providing advice on what to expect when you attend an appointment. Health Appointment Advice for Young People


Below is a check-list for practitioners supporting young people which will take you directly to the  information.


  1. Emergencies (PEP, Emergency Contraception, Sexual Assault)


  1. Information on contraceptive choices


  1. Information on STIs


  1. Information on pregnancy, testing & choices


  1. Self care/help information (without needing to attend clinic)


  1. Ordering a STI home testing postal kit (16+ only)


  1. Ordering condoms through the post


  1. Contacting the Clinical Outreach Team for addional support and referral form (must meet criteria of high risk/vulnerable and not able to attend mainstream clinic)


  1. Fast track referral form for GP/clinical referrals into service (referral directly into clinical service)


  1. Information on Sexual Health Promotion & Outreach ( information on professional training, parent sessions, RSE support and developmental work with targeted young people)


  1. LGBTQ+ support