Cervical Screening
This is a health test for women aged between 25 and 64 years old.
If you have received your smear reminder letter from your GP, you can access your cervical screening from any of the following local options.
- Your GP practice
- Sefton Sexual Health – call 01695 656550 and ask for a cervical screening appointment.
- GP Extra Service (7 day services). For patients registered with Sefton GPs. Please note, these appointments need to be made via your GP.
- SouthSefton
- Southport & Formby
Information on Cervical Smears
For more information or watch this video that explains what to expect in your appointment.
Extra Support
If you have particular worries or concerns that might be stopping you booking your test, you could always download this checklist of requests and give it to your smear taker before the appointment.