Sefton Sexual Health Promotion Team
The team all hold the FPA Sexual Health Training the Trainers qualification. Together, they bring a range of experience working in different community support and education sectors including health promotion.
Training for professionals
The Sefton Sexual Health Service Promotion Team has a newly developed training programme for the year 2023/24. Training and development on sexual health is available for all Sefton organisations. For further details and information on how to book a place on any of the training events please email the Health Promotion team at
We are currently undergoing a quality assurance process with our training programmes and some are already kitemarked by Open Award Badge of Excellence
These training course include the following;
C Card training
Organisations who wish to participate in the Sefton C Card Scheme (community condom distribution for young people aged between 13 and 19) can get started up by accessing a two hour start up training session. All condoms and supporting resources are supplied.
Sexual Health and Young People
A training package based solely around the needs of young people in relation to sexual health. The aim of the training is to support professionals who work with young people address the issues around sexual health and keeping themselves safe. The package contains 4 workshops each one themed around topics relevant to young people.
RSE for people with Learning Difficulties
A training session for those who support people with Learning Difficulties. This course aims to explore how to support people in their right to have romantic and sexual relationships. Content looks at how to do this safely in terms of understanding consent, the meaning of relationships and accessing sexual health services. The following videos which were produced in partnership with Merseycare Life Rooms explain in more detail the importance of supporting People with Learning Disabilities to explore their Relationship & Sexual Health needs in a safe and supportive way.
Learning Disabilities – Talking about Sexual Health
Learning Disabilities – The Value of Positive Safe Relationships
Practical Approaches to support delivery of RSE
Sefton Sexual Health is commissioned to work with School Health to support the quality assurance of PHSE in Sefton schools. This support could be presenting at governors or parent’s meetings, sharing of curriculum contact with PHSE leads to Inset training for designated staff.
RSE Programmes & Workshops
Groupwork with young people or other vulnerable and at risk groups
This training can be a one off session (part of a course on health or life skills), or preferably we could deliver a more developmental programme lasting five to six weeks. Subjects could include, consent, STI prevention, contraception choices, healthy relationships.
Easy Talk – RSE for Parents
6 week programme for parents devised in partnership with Sefton Family Wellbeing Service. This course aims to increase parent’s confidence in being comfortable talking to their children about relationships and sex. Evidence shows that this can be protective for young people and can lower the chance of them engaging in high risky behaviours.
In addition to our own generic 6 week programme delivered for young people, the team can also offer Outside the Box. This is a personal development programme about sex and relationships for young people that aims to prevent sexual exploitation. It is specifically targeted at vulnerable young people and has been developed by the Sex Education Forum and National Children’s Bureau through funding from Comic Relief.
Please contact or any enquiries or bookings.